Personal Development

Express your love and gratitude

Posted by on Jun 25, 2009 in Inspiration, Personal Development | 2 comments

However cheesy the story below is, it has a point. A very useful point, especially for anybody creating activities for groups of people. I still have my list and will always remember the warm feeling of happyness and love – not only when reading others words about me, but when expressing my love and gratitude for others, knowing it would bring a smile on their face and love in their heart. Thank you CISV! The assignment One day a teacher asked her students to list the names of the other students in the room on two sheets of paper, leaving a space between each name. Then she told them to...

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I do not want to die with regrets in my mind

Posted by on Feb 15, 2009 in Inspiration, Personal Development | 2 comments

I do not want to die with regrets in my mind

Why is it that the older we get, the less willing we are to take chances? As we get older we get comfortable. We get used to things and see no point in trying to change the world. “My world is fine and that’s the world I live in, so why should I care about kids starving in Africa?” Ever heard about the butterfly effect..? When we are kids or teenagers nothing can stop us. We will change this and achieve that…and save the world while we’re at it. The only thing stopping us, if we choose to, is the “old generation”, the people telling us to grow up, get a life. The people that has...

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People around you are a reflection of yourself

Posted by on Oct 7, 2008 in Personal Development | 6 comments

I think it was Confucius that said ”Don’t complain about the snow on your neighbor’s roof when your own doorstep is unclean.” We so easily complain about things and people around us, but how often do we really look at ourselves with open eyes and heart. How often do we exercise some realistic self-contemplation and make an action plan to find the way to where we deep inside truly want to be? A friend of mine reminded me a few days ago about who I used to be. I used to have goals and dreams for myself. Where are they now? Am I so content with where I am today that I no longer need...

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Lose some ‘friends’ to win a life.

Posted by on Oct 5, 2008 in Personal Development | 0 comments

Pleasing those nearest and dearest to you is a divine goal, to make them happy at almost all costs. But not if you do it at the expense of your own true self. Lose yourself and lose your life. ‘Don’t take any shit’ as Grynet said. When is enough enough? Never, if you love the person, someone said…I don’t know so much. I think the blurry limit is when you feel you are losing yourself, losing the very essence of who you are. Do some thinking. Speak up. Figure out what YOU want and then go for it. The right people will be there with you. If people fall out, then that’s the way it’s...

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