
Are you talking to yourself? Put a filter on it and start monitoring

Posted by on Jul 6, 2009 in Communication | 0 comments

Are you talking to yourself? Put a filter on it and start monitoring

I received an inspiring message from Lyndel Daly (Life coaching 4u) today. This blog post is a copy of her message, but lets start with a description of what life coaching skills are (from Life Coaching 4u Facebook group) What are life coaching skills? These are skills that you can apply in your life with little effort but can have a transformational impact on who you are being. In your life, if you continue doing the same thing in you will get the same results. These skills support you in changing what you are doing which will produce a different result. So if there are area of your life...

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Golden rule: Deliver on your promises and the expectations of others

Posted by on Oct 8, 2008 in Communication, Relationships | 0 comments

To be able to deliver you have to know the expectations. No matter if it is a project at work or in a relationship. It all comes down to communication. You expect things from your friends, family, colleagues, politicians, priests, leaders and a whole lot of other people, right? Do you think they expect anything from you? I know they do. We all expect things from each other in one way or another. Sometimes it’s unattainable, but most of the time it’s quite reasonable things. I know my parents every Christmas wished for us “kids to behave nicely”. As a kid that felt like a strange...

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