
Who is your cheerleader?

Posted by on Jan 12, 2009 in Relationships | 2 comments

Everybody wants to influence other people, one way or another. And I honestly think we do. All of us. Consciously or not. That goes for you too. I don’t know anybody that doesn’t want to leave a mark, let it be big or small, in this world. It could be anything from being praised in the books of history for saving the world, to as simple as leaving a loving memory in the minds of the closest when it’s time to move on. We all wish to be remembered in some way, but do you know how you want to be remembered? Do you even think about it? We all walk through life side by side with more people...

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Link paycheck to purpose

Posted by on Dec 1, 2008 in Leadership | 1 comment

Purpose is one of the most powerful motivators in the world. You want to have a purpose for doing things, a purpose for going to work and a purpose for living. Finding your purpose might be a difficult process, but there are quite a few people out there willing to help you along the way. Your manager should definitely be one of them. Every single person on this planet has the ability to get excited and motivated about something. I believe, just like Robin Sharma, that we all have a deep inner need to be a part of something larger than ourselves. We want to feel that we are making some sort...

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Our lives are all different and yet the same

Posted by on Oct 14, 2008 in Relationships | 0 comments

Time to grow up.Time to act the way you’re supposed to act when you’ve passed 30.Time to become ‘normal’. …and we all know what ‘normal’ is? Being approximately average or within certain limits in intelligence and development Conforming with a social norm or standard Functioning or occurring in a natural way Lacking observable abnormalities or deficiencies; not abnormal Free from mental illness; sane I think ‘normal’ is in the eyes of the beholder. There is so many different ways of being normal that there is no standardized ‘Normal’ that could be applied to all...

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Golden rule: Deliver on your promises and the expectations of others

Posted by on Oct 8, 2008 in Communication, Relationships | 0 comments

To be able to deliver you have to know the expectations. No matter if it is a project at work or in a relationship. It all comes down to communication. You expect things from your friends, family, colleagues, politicians, priests, leaders and a whole lot of other people, right? Do you think they expect anything from you? I know they do. We all expect things from each other in one way or another. Sometimes it’s unattainable, but most of the time it’s quite reasonable things. I know my parents every Christmas wished for us “kids to behave nicely”. As a kid that felt like a strange...

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People around you are a reflection of yourself

Posted by on Oct 7, 2008 in Personal Development | 6 comments

I think it was Confucius that said ”Don’t complain about the snow on your neighbor’s roof when your own doorstep is unclean.” We so easily complain about things and people around us, but how often do we really look at ourselves with open eyes and heart. How often do we exercise some realistic self-contemplation and make an action plan to find the way to where we deep inside truly want to be? A friend of mine reminded me a few days ago about who I used to be. I used to have goals and dreams for myself. Where are they now? Am I so content with where I am today that I no longer need...

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Lose some ‘friends’ to win a life.

Posted by on Oct 5, 2008 in Personal Development | 0 comments

Pleasing those nearest and dearest to you is a divine goal, to make them happy at almost all costs. But not if you do it at the expense of your own true self. Lose yourself and lose your life. ‘Don’t take any shit’ as Grynet said. When is enough enough? Never, if you love the person, someone said…I don’t know so much. I think the blurry limit is when you feel you are losing yourself, losing the very essence of who you are. Do some thinking. Speak up. Figure out what YOU want and then go for it. The right people will be there with you. If people fall out, then that’s the way it’s...

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